We Killed it Tonight!

I’m damn proud of my band tonight, we’ve gotten to a place that’s hard to reach, the place where you know your shit so well that you can just show up and play. Before tonight we hadn’t really practiced in a month. Between...
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Read My Crap - The Squirm Pit

The Squirm Pit - by Patrick N Neville I was standing in a grassy field near an old red barn. There was something I needed to do here, but I couldn't remember what it was. Then out of the trees came my sister who...
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Read My Crap - The Hotel

I came to on what I felt was a rollercoaster, I was strapped into a seat with someone right beside me, it was an old man who wouldn't do anything else but sit there and blink. Then I realized that it was a movie theater and...
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Read My Crap - Red = Dead, No Redemption

Red = Dead, No Redemption - A horrifying dream world by P.N. Neville. There I was, standing in the living room of a house I lived in over twenty years ago, the place used to be a dump, but someone had fixed it up...
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Read My Crap - ClockLocker® - "A great place to keep your time!"

ClockLocker® - "A great place to keep your time!" I was walking down a street in a strange town, an unfamiliar place, but it looked more like a movie set than a real town, like something out of a 1960's TV show....
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Read My Crap - Your Darkness

It all started with me living in a small cabin out in the woods. It wasn't too far away from the city, as there was a paved road nearby, but far enough away that it was quiet and peaceful. The cabin was old and dusty, the...
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Read My Crap - The Transporters of old

I was back living the house I lived at in the year 2000, up on 6th south and 11th east in Salt Lake City, but it most certainly was not the same universe as we know. It was around the same time, as the TV shows and music I...
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Read My Crap - The Unhappy Place

Out of a murky puddle filled with an uncomfortable buzzing comes, The Unhappy Place. It is a foul uncomfortable place, but for some reason, it gives me some kind of sick uncomfortable pleasure to be there, possibly...
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Read My Crap - The Happy Place

When the world is going to hell.......go to the happy place. The Happy Place..........a pleasant journey. It's morning time, I've just woken up from a nice night of fine sleep. I can smell sage here. The light...
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Read My Crap - Too Close Encounters For Comfort

I was thinking about the time when they found that strange metal monolith out in the desert of Southern Utah, before it was known “Art Installation” or whatever and it got me all fired up and hopeful for strange otherworldly...
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Read My Crap - The Pensioner

A strange, yet exciting adventure! In my dreams last night I went to this strange future party. I drove a bright orange jeep with no top on it, a strange vehicle for one of my dreams, as I've never driven a topless...
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Read My Crap - The Near Death Experience

Most of my stories are compiled from intense dreams I have and my experiences in other worlds and dimensions of thought, but not this one, this story is as real as it gets and it's the closest I've ever come to death in the...
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Read My Crap - Anti-Water

I was a worker at a dam, a giant dam in a huge canyon filled with dark black rock. The dam itself was made of a grey cement and probably more than a mile high, absolutely huge, the kind of big that just gives you that...
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Read My Crap - The Lair of Larraby

Last night in my dreams I had been kidnapped from this fun music festival I was hanging out at. I was in line to get a yumma vodka infused lime snowcone when I was taken by 3 men, they threw a burlap sack over my head and...
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Read My Crap - Charlie

Crazy dreams, an intense adventure of danger, kidnappers, dark basements, and strange really angry lego men. It started out in my home town of Centerville, but as normal, my dream version is always a bit different....
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Read My Crap - The Intermension - A Death Western

The Intermension - A Death Western In my dreams last night, I was opening my own tavern, or remodeling an existing one into what I wanted it to be. It was called the “Adultrap”, because they said the ratio of rats to...
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Read My Crap - Porp

The celebration was to begin, time was short, and preparation had to be done! For we were on the eve of Porp, a new holiday that had been invented by my cousin Kelsey. It was a worldwide success and Kelsey enjoyed fame and...
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Read My Crap - The Great Adventure

Dream adventures like little short films in a row, some of which I've had before, others are different, some are different events taking place in the same dream city or landscape, others are completely new, some are like...
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Read my Crap - Future China

I was living outside of Toronto, Canada in a forested area with a few other folks. We all lived in vans, campers, or cars and had made a little camp of our own on a friends land out in the sticks. In this dream, I knew none...
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Read My Crap - The Scrivener

I became aware in a small dimly lit room, I was a short, stumpy, little man adorned in oily brown furs living in the shadows of a giant glimmering white castle, far back in some ancient time.  It was gloomy, dirty, and...
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Read My Crap - Holy Rotters

I had dreams last night of a new horrifying new world, one where the Catholic Church had taken over the rule of the entire world. No one saw it coming, life was normal just as it is here in the real world with our...
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Read My Crap - The Temple of Sennar

The Temple of Sennar There I was, slowly making my way up a trail on the side of a green hill, the air was fresh here, and I felt strong and confident, which showed in my large stride as I moved with...
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Read My Crap - The Tombs of Antuinoch

The wind blew cold against my face as I stepped down the little stairs of the bus into the outside world, I had come here as part of a tour group on our way to see some ancient ruins. We all congregated in a little group...
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Read My Crap - Celebrities!

I had this dream last night that all these celebrities were coming over to my house to stay. I didn't know what was going on, but they just kept showing up. I was trying to find places to put them all and I was getting...
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Read My Crap - The job

The Job - by P.N. Neville

There I was, sitting on a bench on the city streets sitting upright against the brick wall of a long abandoned building, it's crumbling bricks obscured by hundreds of old posters, fliers, and...
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Read My Crap - Sasq-Watchin'

Sasq-Watchin' - by P.N. Neville

An eerie silence filled the air as I slowly walked through the scattered remains of a dead forest, the trees that still stood upright were all white and black with char from some major...
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Read My Crap - The Wizards of Old

The Wizards of Old - by P.N. Neville The warm breeze blew gently in through the triangular vent window of my 1966 Chevy K20, the familiar sound of the Quadrajet on the old 307 V8 hissing as I hit the gas pedal to climb up...
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Read My Crap - God's Soup Can

God's Soup Can - by P.N. Neville In my dreams last night I visited a strange world, it looked like the 1930’s depression era, but different.  It was a mix of that time and modern times, the people were hungry and dressed...
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Read My Crap - DreamMax

My name is Badge, officer Badge. “Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”, said the officer. “Badge?  What kind of stupid name for a cop is that?  What’s your first name Officer?”, said Duane from the front seat of his...
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Read My Crap - Hench-Man and Barnaby - Episode 1

Hench-Man and Barnaby - Episode 1 - by P.N. Neville

Last night I experienced the story of two super heroes. Hench-Man and Barnaby, his sidekick. They weren't good, nor were they evil, they were just assholes. They...
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