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Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - The Battle

Last night I battled great evil.  They invaded my space around 1:30AM, I could feel the presence of something uncomfortable.  I missed my window for sleep and so I was having a hard time getting any sleep.  It’s a shitty......Read more
Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - The Turd Burgler

Fun dreams last night, I was watching a cartoon version of myself, that old time Disney animation.  But for some reason I knew my name was, Timmy, I just knew it somehow.  It was my room he was in, but how it was a long long......Read more
Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the event Balls Capone @ Piper Down W/ Sake Shot

Balls Capone @ Piper Down W/ Sake Shot
Friday September 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Piper Down

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Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - The Little Guys

The Little Guys - by P.N. Neville The little alien penguin guys are back for a visit in my dreams. I don't know if they're actually penguins or not, but they're like 3 feet tall and wear black suits that make them look......Read more
Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - Poor Choices - Ginger from Salina

Poor Choices - With your host, Patrick Neville.  Today's Memory:  Ginger from Salina. There once was a little beer bar right off of main street in the little tiny town of Salina, Utah.  Being rural Utah, it was a strange......Read more
Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - Poor Choices - Hiking in JNCO's

Poor Choices, with your host, Patrick Neville. Today's Memory:  Hiking in JNCO's. This is a story I've rarely told, but If you know me, you know I love my JNCO jeans. I have since the 90's and I've always worn a pair or......Read more
Balls Capone

Balls Capone posted the blog post Read My Crap - Poor Choices - Fun with Lego's!

Poor Choices - With your host, Patrick Neville. Today's Memory:  Fun with Lego's! It was long ago, back when I was a young innocent teenager.  I was beginning to experience those certain special feelings and urges that......Read more