Read My Crap - There's a Dick on the Moon

Read My Crap - There's a Dick on the Moon

There's a Dick on the Moon - by P.N. Neville In my dreams last night I had a glimpse of the near future, an event that would change the lives of everyone of us, and for months there would be no war, no bloody conflict,...
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We Killed it Tonight!

I’m damn proud of my band tonight, we’ve gotten to a place that’s hard to reach, the place where you know your shit so well that you can just show up and play. Before tonight we hadn’t really practiced in a month. Between...
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Read My Crap - The Great Adventure

Dream adventures like little short films in a row, some of which I've had before, others are different, some are different events taking place in the same dream city or landscape, others are completely new, some are like...
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Read My Crap - The Worst Music Festival Ever

The Worst Music Festival Ever - by P.N. Neville I pulled into the festival gate in my old 1998 Toyota 4Runner, my usual band equipment hauling machine for festivals and gigs of the like.  The man at the gate was rude and...
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Read My Crap - The Little Guys

The Little Guys - by P.N. Neville The little alien penguin guys are back for a visit in my dreams. I don't know if they're actually penguins or not, but they're like 3 feet tall and wear black suits that make them look...
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Read My Crap - Adventures in the Jade Cave

Adventures in the Jade Cave It was a warm day, perfect weather for the lake I was hanging out at.  The lake was enclosed by large white cliffs that lead up to beautiful majestic mountains covered in green foliage.  The...
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Read My Crap - The Battle

Last night I battled great evil.  They invaded my space around 1:30AM, I could feel the presence of something uncomfortable.  I missed my window for sleep and so I was having a hard time getting any sleep.  It’s a shitty...
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Read My Crap - Hell's Waiting Room

Hell’s Waiting Room Last night in my dreams I was taking a walk through Hell's waiting room.  I guess Hell is packed full these days, so now you have wait to get in, like some kind of nightmarish night club.  It was a...
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Read My Crap - Lath and Plastered

Lath and Plastered by P.N. Neville Lath and Plastered was our band, the 4 of us.  Kurt the drummer, Barnd, on bass, myself on guitar, and our singer, Lath.  Lath lived in an old auto garage, one of those old timey oil...
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Read My Crap - The Unhappy Place

Out of a murky puddle filled with an uncomfortable buzzing comes, The Unhappy Place. It is a foul uncomfortable place, but for some reason, it gives me some kind of sick uncomfortable pleasure to be there, possibly...
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Read My Crap - Anti-Water

I was a worker at a dam, a giant dam in a huge canyon filled with dark black rock. The dam itself was made of a grey cement and probably more than a mile high, absolutely huge, the kind of big that just gives you that...
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Read My Crap - The Lair of Larraby

Last night in my dreams I had been kidnapped from this fun music festival I was hanging out at. I was in line to get a yumma vodka infused lime snowcone when I was taken by 3 men, they threw a burlap sack over my head and...
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Read My Crap - The Scrivener

I became aware in a small dimly lit room, I was a short, stumpy, little man adorned in oily brown furs living in the shadows of a giant glimmering white castle, far back in some ancient time.  It was gloomy, dirty, and...
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Read My Crap - Celebrities!

I had this dream last night that all these celebrities were coming over to my house to stay. I didn't know what was going on, but they just kept showing up. I was trying to find places to put them all and I was getting...
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Read My Crap - Poor Choices - Fun with Lego's!

Poor Choices - With your host, Patrick Neville. Today's Memory:  Fun with Lego's! It was long ago, back when I was a young innocent teenager.  I was beginning to experience those certain special feelings and urges that...
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Read My Crap - The Turd Burgler

Fun dreams last night, I was watching a cartoon version of myself, that old time Disney animation.  But for some reason I knew my name was, Timmy, I just knew it somehow.  It was my room he was in, but how it was a long long...
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Read My Crap - Amber

Amber Crazy long dreams that involved what felt like a whole different life time.  I had taken a trip to the UK by myself and the world had now changed to full on digital currency, there was no longer any physical money,...
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