Read My Crap - Amber


Crazy long dreams that involved what felt like a whole different life time.  I had taken a trip to the UK by myself and the world had now changed to full on digital currency, there was no longer any physical money, and with this change had come a wave of hacking and it was easy to blow it and get all your money stolen.

Well, I got hacked somewhere on the trip and they took all my money, so I was now broke in the UK.  To get home, I had to find a job to make some money.  I ended up working in this horrible coal mine with a bunch of other dirty poor dudes.  It was rough, I had to live in small cramped quarters with two other dudes in bunk beds.  Everything was dirty and constantly covered in black soot, so it didn't matter how clean you thought you could get yourself, ten minutes in your own bunk and you were back to filthy again.

It was a horrible back breaking job but eventually I got used to it and it became my daily routine.  I saved my money the best I could and was dedicated to eventually getting myself out of there.  But strangely, I had actually come to like it.  I had made friends with many of my co-workers and my life had changed into being a part of this.  The thought of up and leaving was kind of depressing, I had worked hard to get where I was, and now I was in great shape from all the hard physical work.  I felt like a totally different person.

The whistle blew and I finished for the day, I was excited, I had a date to go on that night!  I was taking my lady to a movie, it was a Lord of The Rings movie called Morgoth and it was all about the 1st age.  I was nearly shitting myself with excitement.  Her name was Amber and lived in the little town nearby, she was a baker, and could make just about anything you could think of.  She had a beautiful smile, so powerful, I had a hard time looking at it.  I would blush and look at the ground.  It just made her giggle as she wiped some black soot from my forehead that I had missed.

When we were together, it created what felt like a bubble around us.  A shield or some kind of force that we could use to make good things happen for us.  It was a strange chaotic power though and we had to be careful, because sometimes it could backfire and make lousy things happen instead.

We walked into the theater together hand in hand in full power bubble mode, people would turn and look as we walked by.  It was like a glow that surrounded us and being a lowly baker and coal miner, it felt good to be noticed by someone, and we certainly were, especially by the jealous and greedy Beautiful People that walked among us with their fancy dresses and top hats, they hated the power we created together, we never thought that they would seek to destroy us, but we would find out otherwise.

I had bought a soda at the snack bar in an old timey glass bottle to take into the movie with us, when we were stopped at the door by a theater employee.

"You can't take that in there", he said with a snotty tone. 

"Why, it's just a soda”, I replied, shocked at such a reaction. 

"It's not the soda, it's the farts, you're going to be farting the whole time and we can't have our theater filled with your farts", he explained coldly. 

I was dumbfounded, me? 

"How dare you, sir I've never done any farting in here, nor would I!  I believe you just made that up or you have me confused with someone else!", I roared angrily. 

Suddenly I heard the blowing of whistles and felt hands grasp my arms as two or three old timey policemen grabbed me and began dragging me out of the theater.  I fought and wriggled against them, I had done nothing wrong! 

"This is outrageous!  Unhand me, sir!", I bellowed at the top of my lungs.

That's when one of them whacked me over the head with his police whacking stick.  My strength failed and I struggled to retain consciousness.

They yanked me from Amber and our bond was suddenly broken, releasing a large wave of crackling chaotic energy that seemed to break open the fabric of reality. 

Suddenly there were now 30 theaters, hundreds of people, and it seemed I was floating between parallel dimensions, each with some other kind of possibility happening.  But all I could think of was getting back to Amber and making that connection again.

I could not find her in the all the random dimension that were appearing and disappearing, over and over.  It was so confusing and nauseating, there was no direction, no up, no down, just what felt like being spun around over and over while different scenes flutter in front of my face like someone throwing a deck of playing cards into the air. 

I knew I couldn't be here for much longer, I had to choose and choose quickly or face being lost in this chaotic "between" place.  So reluctantly, I chose a card that seemed to reflect the best of what had been.

I felt stability again, my head was still swimming, but at least I could see the ground and the sky.  But it was different, I was now back home, here in Utah.  I was standing in the middle of my backyard, everything just as it is now.  And just like most dreams, the memories of my former life were fading quickly away. 

I was home, but I can't forget Amber or the light we created together.  It was such a short experience in real time, but for me it was basically an eternity.  I miss her, as I would miss anyone I love in real life.  It was so natural and easy, she was taken from me, but I will find you again.  I promise you. 

They can blow me out of time and space, but I tell you, no one can stop the light and love that is shared there, and like two magnets, we will once again attract and connect.  The cards may have been shuffled once again and sent me home, but maybe she can follow my trail.

You must hunt me, my dear. 

I am but a defenseless deer in the wild world of the universe.

I await your arrow.
