Read My Crap - The Great Splattering

The great splattering, an intense dream.

It was the not so distant future and people were again recovering from years of another awful pandemic, this time much worse than the last, the Polomic Virus.  A new virus that seemed to appear out of deep caves everywhere on earth.  There were many millions dead this time and the survivors were weary.  The lockdowns and protocols that had been enacted were hardcore and enforced brutally.  Many people no longer wanted to live at all and suicide had become just something that happens on a daily basis.  It was bleak and the vibe was that of sorrow and doom.

But one day we were all witness to a strange eclipse that gave us all a strange tingle right in the center of our brains.  Everyone felt it, even if you weren't outside watching it happen.  It was like a robot being reprogrammed.  We did not known it yet, but we had been given a great gift!  The gift of flight!

It took months before the first people started to find out about this new ability, but it wasn't exactly easy to control, it would take work, careful work, and years of training and practice to master, but we didn't know that yet.  So what was thought of as a beautiful gift actually became a terrifying nightmare, as the bodies of careless people came raining down from the skies to their splattering deaths.  It was easy to fly up high, oh so easy, but to maintain and control was another story.  So people would get flying high, but then lose control, couldn't slow down or alter course, and eventually splatter on the side of a building, a mountain side, or on the ground.

Bodies began to rain down at all hours of the day and night, it seemed nothing would convince people not to use this new power.  The morning hours were especially gruesome, people loved to try and fly in the fresh morning air.  Unfortunately, it just lead to the gutters running with blood. 

Institutes of flying started to open where you could learn to harness your powers without dying, but the cost was high and it took a lot of time and dedication to get it down.  It was at least a four year course just to get down the basics!  We've never been flying beings before, there was so much to learn. 

But, people rejected it and decided to create their own schools of flight, so now you could pay lots of money for the privilege of learning from a conman and the result would usually be your splattering death!  And so the deaths continued to rise.

Was this natures sneaky way of culling the herd?  Who knows, but it worked, because people were dropping like flies, literally.  But what could be done?  No one would listen and no one was going to stop them from their right to fly!  Some said it was gift from God and no one was going to stop them from using this new  gift because God would protect them.  Some states took pride in calling themselves "Freedom Zones" and had no regulations in place at all.

Splat and splat again, over and over. 

It just kind of became a normal everyday thing, you got used to finding out that many of your friends and family members had splattered and were gone forever.  You'd wake up in the morning, get the rake, mop, and the blood bucket and go scrape up the carcai off your sidewalk and lawn.  Who would it be today?

"Looks like old Mr. Jones and his wife splattered this morning", I thought to myself as I drug the mangled corpses around to the daily pile for pickup.

"Bring Out Your Dead", became a daily saying once again.

Large red garbage trucks would circle the neighborhoods each morning for the daily body pickup.  Loved ones had a few hours to say goodbye until pickup.  No one likes mass graves, so large incinerators were built to provide disposal for the many bodies collected each day.  Dark plumes of greasy black smoke rose from them every night as they digested the days load.  They tried to do it night so the smoke wouldn't be so easily seen or smelled.  But it was hard to miss and it sure didn't help with general vibe of misery and gloom.  This was a dark time, indeed.

Many chose to splatter in the mountains and those carcasses were not so easily found or retrieved.  So it wasn't unusual to go camping, climbing or hiking and run into a few skeletons along the way.

After many years of this, those who actually went through the schooling would be highly paid to fly through the skies like superman and save those who were going to fall and splatter.

The sky patrol, they were busy, and they couldn't save everyone, but they tried.  Soon, flying without the proper license and insurance was outlawed and The Sky Patrol began arresting those flying dangerously or without license, which helped, but it also made people angry and lead to revolt, leading to even more splatterings.  After all, no Government goons were gonna tell people how they can live their lives!

The protests began, but after a time they ended quickly as the bodies of untrained protesters fell from the skies and into the crowds, not only splattering themselves, but crushing many others to death upon impact.  The sky patrol couldn't keep up with the load, it took so long to train new officers that there were not nearly enough to help everyone, and not even all the Sky Patrol made it.  Even with the years of training, some still made deadly errors in judgment and ended in splattering death.  All that time and training, gone.  Sky Patrol moral took a big hit in those days.  The carnage was brutal and the protests eventually stopped due to the amount of bodies piling up.

People didn't worry about tracking mud into the house anymore, it was blood now and the amount of bodies and putrid body fluids were starting to spread more and more disease again.  We were on the brink of another horrible pandemic and again, the cycle continues. Humans gonna Human, I guess.

What seemed like such a blessed gift ended up almost eliminating all of mankind.
