Read My Crap - The Battle

Last night I battled great evil.  They invaded my space around 1:30AM, I could feel the presence of something uncomfortable.  I missed my window for sleep and so I was having a hard time getting any sleep.  It’s a shitty feeling, it feels like there are people standing around your bed, just looking at you, but these were not just the standard looky Lou’s, I could feel ill intent, I could feel a hate.  It brought chills and veins of fear begin growing throughout my body.

In these cases I’ve learned to put myself in my magic blue box of protection.  I envision myself in a box made of shining blue energy that no negative energy can cross.  I can see it in my mind, shining all around me, but this time I could see others standing around me and watching me, like an ancient mummy in a museum display case.  I could see the tall standing figures of dead men in suits, looking down on me with malice.  They had no eyes, just black pits where they should be and you could feel the negativity flowing from them.  There were at least 3 of them hanging around, testing my field for weakness.  But my field is firm and so my fear dissipates and I just try to go to sleep.

Suddenly something changed.  The energy in the room became far more intense and another man in a suit walked in.  I was no longer in my room, I was sitting on a couch in the living room of an old house that I don’t recognize.  Still incased in my field, but sitting upright.  The man came through from a room under the stairs and when he looked at me, an intense fear flooded through me.  His face was made of jagged black cracks where the eyes and mouth should be.  It looked right at me a roared a hideous tone.  The black jagged gash of a mouth widening as it approached me, the blackness inside the mouth and eyes was darker than I have ever seen.  It was absolutely terrifying on all levels and it was obvious it intended me harm.

So, in these cases I do what I call “Flooding”, which is to flood everything in my minds eye with blinding white light and love.  It shattered the other beings and expelled them.  I was now laying back in my room in my bed again.  But the most terrifying entity was still there.  This thing was powerful and was fighting me with an unusual intensity.  It would get right up close to me under the field and glare at me, then roar its hideous noises at me.  The intense fear weakens my field and it was trying to scare me into dropping it.  But I wasn’t about to let it, so I flooded my mind once again with the white light, holding as hard and as long as I could this time.  It breaks up the negative entities into little black chunks that fly around and get smaller.  Then they have to put themselves back together like the the T-1000 from Terminator.  It takes them time and energy to do.

The others were expelled, but this one thing kept coming back and kept showing its hideous face.  This time it jumped up on top of my field and was trying to push its hand through the field.  But every time it got a little bit into it, the field would just grow thicker and no progress would really be made.  Frustrated, it jumped off me down to the foot of my bed, pacing back and forth staring at me, with it’s dark jagged chasm like eyes, much like Darth Maul waiting for a Jedi to kill.  But even Darth Maul is far less frightening than this entity.  For what felt like ages, it would come at me and I would fight with light, blocking its attempts each time.  It was not going to give up easy.

I was beginning to weaken though, I wasn’t able to pull as much light now, and the darkness was creeping in, I could feel the fear getting to me again flushing the weakness through my body.  But that’s when I saw it, in my minds eye, a big white Dove flew into my field of vision and spread its wings wide.  The bright light flooded the space and it surrounded the entity, attaching the doves wings to the entity, which then sent it flying away at high speed and vanished into the light, it was like I used a power up out of a Super Mario game.  Looks like I win.

Now I was tired.  I fought one hell of a battle against something really nasty.  Where that thing and its buddies came from, I have no idea, but I really fucked up his buddies and who knows what that Dove was, but I sure appreciate the help.

Then I feel asleep and dreamt no more of evil.
