Read My Crap - The Little Guys

The Little Guys - by P.N. Neville

The little alien penguin guys are back for a visit in my dreams. I don't know if they're actually penguins or not, but they're like 3 feet tall and wear black suits that make them look like penguins dressed up as Darth Vader.  There's a few little colored lights here and there on the suit, but no hoses, and no noise at all. They waddle around like penguins would though.  The suits are pretty bulky for them and it has to be hard to move on those things.

They're from a distant world of freezing cold and crushing pressure, so they must wear their little pressure suits or die horribly. They slip into my dreams and take me with them from time to time to show me their progress. They're never frightening, they exude only good vibes, a sense of excitement, and general friendliness. Like an old friend you havn't seen in years meeting you at the airport and is super stoked to show you his new car. No anal probes or unnecessary surgery, as of yet anyway.

They take me to a place high up in the mountains, they are not our mountains here in Utah, they are somewhere in Asia I believe but I could be wrong.  They greet me in a large empty room, rock walls, white floor and tiled ceiling. There is no one here, no machines, no furniture, just an empty room. They come right out of the rock walls like it's nothing but air, walk up to me, extend a little black fingerless flipper, and I take a hold of it and follow them back into the rock. They have the ability to move through solid rock like it's nothing and when you're with them, so can you. It's always a little unnerving though to enter the rock, what if my hand slips off the flipper?  Do they find my encased skeleton in millions of years within the solid rock? Best not to think about it.

They live either deep in the oceans or deep within the rocks of the earth. They never take those suits off, so who knows what they really look like. They have a great understanding of operations and know much about our planet and world. They are doing helpful things from the inside out. They don't talk and you can never see their faces inside that black pressure suit, so instead I just imagine a little cute penguin face instead.

Communication is hard for us both, but I was able to perceive two clear words:  Data Repair.

I guess something has gotten corrupted? Are these little guys the data entry clerks of the universe? I wonder what Data requires repairing? Whatever it is, I'm sure only they can get to it. We've had 4 or 5 visits now and it's kind of exciting when they show up. They do not seem to eat or drink, maybe the suit takes care of all of that? Who knows.

It's always a fun adventure, they take me deep into the rock, it feels like floating as you move through layer after layer.  Eventually we will arrive at their base.  It's a big open place filled with bright lights along the ceilings, long white hallways and have very cool looking equipment that they use to help our planet. How? I don't know.  But they always seem to be very excited to show me what the latest is, their base gets bigger every time I visit, more and more rows of strange black machines whirring away with blinking colored lights and fancy control panels, so many of them coming and going, taking readings, making adjustments, etc.

But I get the feeling here that none of this is actually real. Maybe these machines are what they actually look like, maybe it's just an illusion from one of these powerful machines so that I can sort of comprehend that which they do. Maybe they should have taken a scientist down instead of a musician, but they seem to like me for some reason.  But whatever it is, they seem to have good intentions.

They take me to a place on a ridge way up in the mountains so I can watch their little black craft fly in and out of a perfectly square cave carved directly into the high cliffs. You could get up there if you really wanted too, but I don't recommend it. They have their little base booby trapped, so don't try and find it. This was a warning that doing so would be damaging to their goals and ultimately the entire world and only select people that they choose get to know and to enter.

If you try to enter the cave without permission, a huge amount of water immediately begins to pour in the tunnel, more and more until the threat has been washed away. You don't want to get washed away, it's a damn long fall to the rocks below. They mean us no harm, but they will defend themselves and their operations if necessary.

It all seems so big and overwhelming.  Trying to understand it all makes your brain hurt. They think it's funny, our little meat brains.  But as soon as I get to that point, they take me by the hand again and lead me through the rocks back to my slumbering body here at my house.  They always give me what seems like a little flipper High Five before they turn around and vanish into thin air. I can't see it, but I always feel like there is a little smile on their faces.

Be safe little guys, see you next time. I hope our data has been successfully repaired!
