Read My Crap - The Wizards of Old
The Wizards of Old - by P.N. Neville
The warm breeze blew gently in through the triangular vent window of my 1966 Chevy K20, the familiar sound of the Quadrajet on the old 307 V8 hissing as I hit the gas pedal to climb up...
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Read My Crap - Sasq-Watchin'
Sasq-Watchin' - by P.N. Neville
An eerie silence filled the air as I slowly walked through the scattered remains of a dead forest, the trees that still stood upright were all white and black with char from some major...
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An eerie silence filled the air as I slowly walked through the scattered remains of a dead forest, the trees that still stood upright were all white and black with char from some major...
Read My Crap - The job
The Job - by P.N. Neville
There I was, sitting on a bench on the city streets sitting upright against the brick wall of a long abandoned building, it's crumbling bricks obscured by hundreds of old posters, fliers, and...
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There I was, sitting on a bench on the city streets sitting upright against the brick wall of a long abandoned building, it's crumbling bricks obscured by hundreds of old posters, fliers, and...
Read My Crap - Celebrities!
I had this dream last night that all these celebrities were coming over to my house to stay. I didn't know what was going on, but they just kept showing up. I was trying to find places to put them all and I was getting...
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Read My Crap - The Tombs of Antuinoch
The wind blew cold against my face as I stepped down the little stairs of the bus into the outside world, I had come here as part of a tour group on our way to see some ancient ruins. We all congregated in a little group...
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Read My Crap - The Temple of Sennar
The Temple of Sennar
There I was, slowly making my way up a trail on the side of a green hill, the air was fresh here, and I felt strong and confident, which showed in my large stride as I moved with...
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Read My Crap - Holy Rotters
I had dreams last night of a new horrifying new world, one where the Catholic Church had taken over the rule of the entire world.
No one saw it coming, life was normal just as it is here in the real world with our...
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Read My Crap - The Scrivener
I became aware in a small dimly lit room, I was a short, stumpy, little man adorned in oily brown furs living in the shadows of a giant glimmering white castle, far back in some ancient time. It was gloomy, dirty, and...
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Read my Crap - Future China
I was living outside of Toronto, Canada in a forested area with a few other folks. We all lived in vans, campers, or cars and had made a little camp of our own on a friends land out in the sticks. In this dream, I knew none...
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Read My Crap - The Great Adventure
Dream adventures like little short films in a row, some of which I've had before, others are different, some are different events taking place in the same dream city or landscape, others are completely new, some are like...
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